Flat Rock - Last week my husband and I were lucky enough to attend the Season's at Highland Lake (http://hlinn.com/seasons) Passion for Pinot Wine Dinner.
Asheville (Biltmore Village) - Considering all the new, sparkly openings in Asheville, it seems like Rezaz (http://rezaz.com/) - beloved by locals - has been...
Hendersonville - Only three years before the 1898 Waverly Inn (https://www.waverlyinn.com ) was built in Hendersonville, the word "Brunch", a portmanteau, was coined in Britain to...
West Asheville - Have you been to Foothills Butcher Bar and Kitchen (https://www.foothillslocalmeats.com/) yet? It's one of my go-to spots for an in-house butcher and...
West Asheville - Looking for interesting food and killer ambiance? Jargon's (https://jargonrestaurant.com/) the place!
Lights are set low and the intimate space is jam-packed with...
Asheville - This past Fall, I was lucky enough to attend a new-menu tasting at The Blackbird ( http://theblackbirdrestaurant.com/ ) These particular items may or may...
Asheville - This past Thursday, four friends met for dinner at Sovereign Remedies. The evening involved five cocktails, a pint of local craft beer, five small...
Probably my all time favorite media tour to date, the three days spent learning about North Carolina seafood, caught, grown, or processed in-state, were...
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